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#727105 - snmpd: SNMPD initscript kills by process name in stead of PID and thus killing daemons in lxc containters - Debian Bug report logs

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 20:33
GuiGui's Show - Liens
« The init script /etc/init.d/snmpd will kill all processes with the name  snmpd in stead of killing by PID from /var/run/ which has as effect the killing of the daemon on all LXC containers. »

Malgré la fin de ce thread, ce mauvais comportement continue avec Jessie (et même avec Stretch...).

Solution élégante : passer à systemd avec cette unit qui juste fonctionne au poil : que l'on met dans /etc/systemd/system/ puis systemctl enable snmpd.service.

Mais avant de faire ça, on dézingue l'initscript :
   * sudo update-rc.d snmpd remove
   * sudo rm /etc/init.d/snmpd
   * sudo dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/share/snmp/snmpd.initscript /etc/init.d/snmpd

La deuxième ligne fait en sorte que dkpg ne remette pas l'initscript à sa place en cas de mise à jour du paquet snmpd. Voir . dpkg stockera l'initscript dans /usr/share/snmp/snmpd.initscript.

Note : j'ai personalisé cette unit en remplaçant l'ExecStart par « ExecStart=/usr/sbin/snmpd -f -LS6d -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -I -smux,mteTrigger,mteTriggerConf ». Exécution sous l'username/usergroup snmp/snmp, log de niveau info envoyés dans syslog.

De qui faut-il prononcer les noms : des victimes ou des tueurs ? - Rue89 - L'Obs

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 20:10
Choses vues, sur le web et ailleurs
"129 morts, c’est une chose. 129 noms et 129 visages, c’en est une autre.

Mais dire le nom des tueurs, en tout cas parler d’eux, raconter leur vie, c’est autre chose. C’est informer. C’est tenter de comprendre comment on peut passer de petit gars vaguement délinquant à tueur de masse. "
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Testing the Usability of PGP Encryption Tools - Schneier on Security

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 20:09
GuiGui's Show - Liens
« I have recently come to the conclusion that e-mail is fundamentally unsecurable. The things we want out of e-mail, and an e-mail system, are not readily compatible with encryption. I advise people who want communications security to not use e-mail, but instead use an encrypted message client like OTR or Signal. »


Paris-Beyrouth : la compassion à géométrie variable - Rue89 - L'Obs

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 20:07
Choses vues, sur le web et ailleurs
Encore et toujours le "mort kilométrique", déjà évoqué en janvier.
J'aime la conclusion de l’article :
"Ce message de compassion et de solidarité est non seulement « normal », humain pourrait-on dire ; il est aussi le seul moyen de déconstruire le discours des extrémistes qui dénoncent nos hypocrisies pour mieux couvrir leurs propres crimes."
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Egypte: Mais que cache donc la pyramide de Khéops? - Monde -

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 20:00
Choses vues, sur le web et ailleurs
Bref, la pyramide de Kheops est mal isolée ^^
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Attentats à Paris: Les Hospices de Beaune soutiennent les victimes - Monde -

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 19:59
Choses vues, sur le web et ailleurs
Sympa, mais dommage pour la lutte contre le cancer et les AVC :/
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Why Johnny Still, Still Can’t Encrypt: Evaluating the Usability of a Modern PGP Client

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 19:49
GuiGui's Show - Liens
« This paper presents the results of a laboratory study involving Mailvelope, a modern PGP client that integrates tightly with existing webmail providers. In our study, we brought in pairs of participants and had them attempt to use Mailvelope to communicate with each other. Our results shown that more than a decade and a half after Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt, modern PGP tools are still unusable for the masses.
We finish with a discussion of pain points encountered using Mailvelope, and discuss what might be done to address them in future PGP systems.


We recruited Gmail users for our study at a local university. Participants were two-thirds male: male (13; 65%), female (7; 35%). Participants skewed young: 18 – 24 years old (18; 90%), 25 – 34 years old (2; 10%). We distributed posters broadly across campus to avoid biasing our results to any particular major. All participants were university students, 4 with the majority being undergraduate students: undergraduate students (17; 85%), graduate students (3; 15%).


During the study, participants were asked to role-play a scenario regarding completing taxes. Participant A was told they needed Participant B’s help with filing taxes. Participant A was also told they since they were sending sensitive information (e.g., SSN) that they should encrypt this information using Mailvelope. 5 Participant B was told to wait for his friend to send him the necessary sensitive information (e.g., SSN). Once Participant B had received this information, he was instructed to use Mailvelope to respond to Participant A with a confirmation code (encrypted using Mailvelope) to conclude the task.

After the instructions were given, Participant A was provided with the the Mailvelope website and instructed to begin the task. 6 While participants waited for email from each other, they were told that they could browse the Internet, use their phones, or engage in other similar activities. This was done to provide a more natural setting for the participants, as well as to avoid frustration if participants had to wait for an extended period of time while their friends figured out how to use Mailvelope.


Of the ten participant pairs, nine were unable to successfully complete the task. In two of the nine pairs, participants A never figured out how to use Mailvelope to send any message. In another two pairs, Participant B was completely mystified by the encrypted PGP email and was unaware that they needed to install Mailvelope to read the message. Only one of the nine pairs actually traded public keys, though this pair was still confused about what to do after sharing their public keys.

The one pair that did complete the task required the full fortyfive minutes to do so. The successful pair was unique in that they were the only pair of participants where one of the participants had previously learned about public key cryptography. It is likely that this heavily influenced their ability to finish within the time limit.


All participant pairs made mistakes. The most common mistake was encrypting a message with the sender’s public key. This occurred for seven of the participant pairs, including for the participant pair that was eventually successful. Three of the participant pairs generated a key pair with their friend information, and then tried to use that public key to encrypt their message. One participant modified the PGP block after encryption (while still in the PGP compose window), adding their sensitive information to the area before the PGP block. Finally, one participant eventually exported his private key and sent it along with his keyring password to his friend so that his friend could decrypt the message he had received. In this case, even though the participants had transmitted the required information, they were informed that they needed to try some more and accomplish the task without sending the private key.


Mailvelope clearly failed to help the majority of participants encrypt their email. All participants expressed frustration with Mailvelope, with the most comical expression of this frustration coming from M3A: “Imagine the stupidest software you would ever use, and that was what I was doing.”. The difficulty also led several participants to indicate that in the real world they would have given up trying to use Mailvelope long before they did during the study. For example, M3A also said, “After five minutes, I would have just given up and called.”


Nearly all participants indicated that they wished Mailvelope had provided instructions that were integrated with the Mailvelope software, and would walk them through, step-by-step, in setting up Mailvelope and sending their first encrypted email.


The only participant pair that successfully completed the study task likely did so because one of the participants in the pair had previous knowledge related to public key cryptography. Additionally, the only other pair that made progress did so because they realized that they needed each other’s public keys, but even that pair did not know how to then use those shared public keys. For the remaining eight participant pairs, the post-study interview made it clear that they did not understand how public and private keys were used. To help address this, a simple explanation of PGP needs to be created that is accessible to the masses. »

Étude intéressante même si :
   * Focalisée sur Mailvelope ;
   * Un panel peu représentatif (des universitaires de sexe masculin entre 18-25 ans provenant tous/toutes de la même université...). Lors de cryptos-party, j'ai été témoin de personnes du 4e âge plus débrouillardes et ayant compris Enigmail et les principes cryptos sous-jacents alors que des futurs ingénieurs en 4e année d'école d'ingé en informatique galéraient alors bon...

On remarque que les cryptos parties et les OpenPGP Box (boîtes en carton pour expliquer la crypto asymétrique et quelques concepts des mails chiffrés (comme le fait que le sujet n'est pas chiffré), voir ont de l'avenir : la connaissance de la crypto asymétrique a donné un avantage inégalé à un binôme de cette étude !

On valide que la masse attend une solution miracle qui soit sécurisée, facile à utiliser avec une prise en main immédiate... Ça ressemble à un triangle de Zooko, on n'est pas arrivé. :S On remarque que Caliopen est dans la bonne voie puisque le constat sur lequel se base le projet est vérifié : personne ne veut prendre plus de 5 minutes pour sécuriser ses communications... Donc il faut faire naître l'intérêt via un système de grade/jeu...


Syria oil map: the journey of a barrel of Isis oil

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 19:20
@jeekajoo links
Isis controls most of Syria’s oil fields and crude is the militant group's biggest single source of revenue. Here we follow the progress of a barrel of oil from extraction to end user to see how the Isis production system works, who is making money from it, and why it is proving so challenging to disrupt.

Though many believe that Isis relies on exports for its oil revenue, it profits from its captive markets closer to home in the rebel-held territories of northern Syria and in its self-proclaimed “caliphate”, which straddles the border between Syria and Iraq.
Once the oil is refined, it is bought by traders or taken by dealers to markets across Syria and Iraq. At this point, Isis is almost completely disengaged from the trade. About half the oil goes to Iraq, while the other half is consumed in Syria, both in Isis territories and rebel-held areas in the north.
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Guillaume, Quentin, Marie… Les victimes des attentats du 13 novembre (

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 18:48
Les liens de Nagumo
Toutes mes pensées aux familles et à leurs proches.
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The Evolution Of Man's Face Over The Course Of 6 Million Years (YouTube)

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 18:46
Les liens de Nagumo
Tout est dans le titre.

Origine : Yale University Press.
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The Evolution Of Man's Face Over The Course Of 6 Million Years (YouTube)

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 18:46
Les liens de Nagumo
Tout est dans le titre.

Origine : Yale University Press.
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dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 18:35
Liens de TD
Des cours de mécanique.

Dominique de Villepin à propos de l'Etat islamique : 6 minutes d'intelligence et de lucidité - vidéo Dailymotion

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 18:27
Le bazar de mydjey

À Lille, le rassemblement bouleversé par l'intrusion de l'extrême droite | Mediapart

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 17:48
le hollandais volant
« … mais s'est fait repousser par la foule, au son de “dehors les fachos”. »

Que ça puisse être ainsi partout.
De toute façon on va bien le voir assez tôt (déjà quand les guignols habituels commenceront à faire leur campagne pour 2017)…
— (permalink)

Simple Invoices | An Open Source, Web-Based Invoicing System

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 17:48 | Actu et liens en vrac
Titre. Du simple, qui se déploie facilement et s'utilise rapidement (pas testé).

MintBox Mini: Compact Linux Mint Powered PC Unveiled

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 17:42
Worth your money?

In one word, absolutely. I am not a fan of desktop and have always preferred a laptop. But if I ever think of buying a desktop, MintBox Mini will be my first choice for its specification (better RAM should have been a plus), price and size. Compared to a regular CPU, it will take less space and will be silent. Perfect for a day to day computing need. What do you think about it?

[EFL] Introduction to Enlightenment by Daniel Juyung Seo on Prezi

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 17:28
Enlightenment = E16/17 (window manager) + EFL (Enlightement Foundation Libraries)

Note : citation sur la vulgarisation scientifique

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 16:31
le hollandais volant
« Where did the universe come from? How and why did it begin? Will it come to an end, and if so, how? These are questions that are of interest to us all. But modern science has become so technical that only a very small number of specialists are able to master the mathematics used to describ them. Yet tha basic ideas about the oring and fate of the univers can be stated without mathematics in a form that people without a scientific education can understand. »

– Stephen Hawking, en préface de son livre A Brief History of Time.

C’est exactement ça la vulgarisation, à l’heure où les équations font 4 pages et demandent 5 années d’études pour êtres lisibles et 5 années supplémentaires pour les comprendre.

Manifestation anti-étrangers à Pontivy : Ils se sont défoulés sur un passant d'origine maghrébine

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 16:03
Riff's Links
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Command Line Magic sur Twitter : "t=$(($(tput cols)/3));for FR in $(seq $(tput lines));do printf "\e[44m%${t}s\e[47m%${t}s\e[41m%${t}s\e[0m\n";done # French Flag"

dimanche 15 novembre 2015 à 15:57
le hollandais volant
Joli !
Une commande bash pour afficher le drapeau BBR dans le terminal.

t=$(($(tput cols)/3));for FR in $(seq $(tput lines));do printf "\e[44m%${t}s\e[47m%${t}s\e[41m%${t}s\e[0m\n";done

Ce que ça fait, c’est que ça divise le shell en 3 (le « $(($(tput cols)/3)) »), puis lit chaque ligne (FR in $(seq $(tput lines));) et affiche des espaces dont le fond est coloré (printf "%${t}) × 3, chaque fois d’une couleur différente.

Les \e[44m, \e[47m, \e[41m correspondent aux couleurs.

On aime ou on n’aime pas l’idée, pour ceux qui n’aiment pas, voyez-y simplement une commande bash assez remarquable.
— (permalink)