nyanners's anime babe palace 。◕‿◕。


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xpacificflights replied to your post: im getting ready for bed and i picked … how are they...

samedi 25 octobre 2014 à 08:01

xpacificflights replied to your post: im getting ready for bed and i picked …

how are they getting into her house what filth is she living in

FOR YOUR IMNOFORMATION my boyfriend went for a walk outside and when he came back he left his shoes on the floor and it PROBABLY came from there cause my pillow was next to his shoes
this is too much for me i cant believe a slug somehow ended up on my pillow the slime is still there and it’s so shiny and clear it’s impossible

im getting ready for bed and i picked my pillow up off the floor and i noticed a weird brown thing...

samedi 25 octobre 2014 à 07:56

im getting ready for bed and i picked my pillow up off the floor and i noticed a weird brown thing on it and i looked closer and IT WAS A FUCKING SLUG and it left a little slug slime trail all over the pillow im so mad


samedi 25 octobre 2014 à 07:36


If you go to any animal shelter in Bastrop and give a food donation, you get a free animal. For every food donation you give, you can get another animal. They are incredibly full right now, and starting next week, they will be starting mass euthanizations. 

PLEASE signal boost, try to save an animal’s life! This will go on for a week, until next Friday!!!! 

laster: 桃色虹画像 -二次元萌え画像エロ画像まとめ- -

samedi 25 octobre 2014 à 02:30


桃色虹画像 -二次元萌え画像エロ画像まとめ- -

rhamphotheca: Why a Swordfish’s Sword Doesn’t Break by Carrie...

samedi 25 octobre 2014 à 01:41


Why a Swordfish’s Sword Doesn’t Break

by Carrie Arnold

A swordfish’s “sword” is its most prominent feature, but scientists have only now discovered the unusual properties that keep the sword strong and ready to slash.

A study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that the fish have an unusual way to repair their bone, keeping it strong and stiff.

Billfish like marlin and swordfish are known for their characteristic protruding upper jawbone (also called a rostral bone), which they use to help stun and catch their prey.

For the bone to remain strong, it needs to not only withstand a large amount of force, but also be repaired when it is damaged…

(read more: National Geographic)

photograph by Brian Skerry/National Geo.