Uploads from Thomas Pesquet

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Hi UK!

dimanche 23 avril 2017 à 21:10

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Hi UK!

Today is UN international English language day and St George's, as well as the London Marathon (although Tim Peake didn't take part, didn't you promise to run it this year Tim?). Four reasons to say hi London and the UK! Clouds from the north can’t veil your lights, as the sun sets in the distance

Good evening Londres et le Royaume-Uni! Le soleil se couche à l'horizon alors que resplendissent les lumières de nos voisins

Credits: ESA/NASA


Far from the human eye

dimanche 23 avril 2017 à 13:29

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Far from the human eye

Far away from the human eye, the Sahara hides marvellous natural wonders

Loin du regard des hommes, dans le Sahara, la nature cache encore bien des merveilles

Credits: ESA/NASA


Striking shades of green

dimanche 23 avril 2017 à 11:44

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Striking shades of green

The salt lakes have the same striking shades of colour as the Caribbean Sea – but green instead of blue

Nuances de vert frappantes au bord du lac salé Dachaidamu, en Chine

Credits: ESA/NASA


Flames of water

dimanche 23 avril 2017 à 08:57

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Flames of water

Flames of water: More amazing shades of blue in the Caribbean sea

Les nuances des Caraïbes valent bien un oxymore avec ses teintes de bleu… flamboyantes!

Credits: ESA/NASA


Cygnus seen from Cupola

samedi 22 avril 2017 à 16:49

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Cygnus seen from Cupola

I like this one, just for “artistic reasons”. It’s all the reflections we get in the Cupola windows.

Reflets de nos écrans et commandes sur les hublots de la Cupola, d’où nous avons manœuvré le bras robotique pour la capture

Credits: ESA/NASA
