Uploads from Thomas Pesquet

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Orly airport

vendredi 26 juin 2020 à 15:52

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Orly airport

Orly airport re-opens today after three months of Corona closure. Unique for this historic airport, the main hub for transport from the capital of France and national overseas flights (Corsica, Antilles, Guyana and so on). To celebrate here is a picture taken during the Proxima mission with the commune of Rungis to the North and the silhouette of a Concorde visible to the South… can you spot it?

Orly réouvre aujourd’hui, après trois mois de fermeture, du jamais vu pour cet aéroport historique, qui assure des liaisons primordiales avec la capitale (Corse, Antilles, Guyane, etc). Pour fêter ça, voilà une photo d’Orly prise pendant ma mission, avec Rungis au Nord et une silhouette de Concorde au Sud... pour ceux qui ont de bons yeux ! Bon retour sur les pistes à tout le personnel d’aeroports de Paris!

Credits: ESA/NASA–T. Pesquet


EMU maintenance training in practice

lundi 22 juin 2020 à 13:02

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

EMU maintenance training in practice

A NASA Johnson we learn how to maintain the NASA spacesuits, called Extravehicular Mobility Units, EMU, in space lingo. Basically a mini-spacesuit in their own right they require quite some technical knowledge to maintain – from electrics (helmet lights!), radio communications, leak checks and the cooling and heating system, all must be in perfect order to keep us alive if we are to venture outside the Space Station. Putting all the knowledge to use in this picture to help Shane and Peggy get out of their suits after their spacewalk.

Une photo prise pendant Proxima pour illustrer la manipulation des scaphandres en situation : ici j’aidais Peggy et Shane à enlever leur scaphandre à l’issue d’une sortie extravéhiculaire – en suivant à la lettre le protocole enseigné à Houston !

Credits: Roscosmos


Hi Dad

dimanche 21 juin 2020 à 18:44

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Hi Dad

The 'petit-beurre' biscuit: my dad's favourite. I took it to the International Space Station as a nod to my father... Happy Father's Day! As crumbs float everywhere, we usually avoid these types of snacks in space. It is not particularly practical nor classy to eat them while still in the packaging... so we eat them while floating next to a ventilation grill that sucks up any crumbs into its filter!

Un petit-beurre, le biscuit préféré de mon père que j’avais emmené dans la station pour lui faire un clin d’œil : bonne fête papa ! À cause des miettes qui risquent de flotter partout, on évite d’habitude ce genre de goûter à bord de l’ISS... à manger directement dans le sachet... et prévoir l’aspirateur !

Credits: ESA/NASA


Spacewalk maintenance training with Soichi

vendredi 19 juin 2020 à 10:44

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Spacewalk maintenance training with Soichi

JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi and ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet during International Space Station spacesuit maintenance training.

Photo Date: June 16, 2020.

Location: Building 9NW - Space Station mockups.

Credits: NASA–Robert Markowitz

Spacewalk maintenance training with Soichi

vendredi 19 juin 2020 à 10:44

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:

Spacewalk maintenance training with Soichi

JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi and ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet during International Space Station spacesuit maintenance training.

Photo Date: June 16, 2020.

Location: Building 9NW - Space Station mockups.

Credits: NASA–Robert Markowitz