Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Single-payer Medicare for All

jeudi 27 juillet 2017 à 02:00

All Democrats in Congress must join the American people in supporting single-payer Medicare for All.

Troll nominates science-denier

jeudi 27 juillet 2017 à 02:00

The troll has nominated a science-denier to head the scientific division of the Department of Agriculture. This nomination violates the law which says that nominee must be a distinguished scientist in the agricultural field.

Troll closes war crimes office

jeudi 27 juillet 2017 à 02:00

The troll has closed the office in the State Department that concerns itself with war crimes.

Taking offense

jeudi 27 juillet 2017 à 02:00

KPFA cancelled a planned speech by Richard Dawkins, accusing him of having "offended and hurt" Muslims.

It is fundamentally wrong to judge a person's statements by whether others take offense at them. People often take offense based on a misunderstanding, an invalid reason, or being on hair trigger due to other experiences. It does not automatically follow that the last statement was wrong, or even that it was inherently offensive.

Dawkins condemned Islam, but did not condemn Muslims. If some Muslims (or anyone else) took offense at what he said about Islam, or felt hurt by it, that doesn't mean Dawkins did anything wrong.

However, Dawkins came close to stretching the truth when he said he had "never used abusive speech against Islam". He certainly made a harsh statement against Islam, quoted in the article. His claim has to rest on the subtle difference between harsh and abusive. He would be on solid ground if he said he "never used abusive speech against Muslims".

Very urgent: Oppose any Dontcare bill

jeudi 27 juillet 2017 à 02:00

SCROTUS have voted to begin debate on the Dontcare bill. This means they could bring any version of the law up for a final vote.

US citizens: phone both your senators to oppose any possible version of the Dontcare bill. If they are Democrats, ask them to delay the bill by whatever means possible.

Delay is vital to give people a chance to persuade some Republicans to vote no.

The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.