Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Sussex University sparked strong student resistance

jeudi 5 décembre 2013 à 13:00

Sussex University sparked strong student resistance by suspending 5 students, including some who participated in an occupation protest, and at least one who didn't participate.

Note the standard bullshit statement from the university administration saying that it has to do this to protect "students, staff and visitors" from disruption or (in their imagination only) worse.

This is part of a broader pattern of students' campaigning for decent treatment of workers, and increased repression by the state which advocates bad treatment of workers.

Egyptian military repression

jeudi 5 décembre 2013 à 13:00

The Egyptian military government has shown clearly that repression isn't just for Islamists.

The proposed new constitution allows various sorts of repression.

GMO corn and cancer

jeudi 5 décembre 2013 à 13:00

After the journal journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published a paper reporting that GMO corn caused cancer in rats, it hired a new editor who used to work for Monsanto, and he retracted the paper.

The article links to, which is unfortunate since you can't sign an article there except by running a nonfree program. The same with links to vimeo.

Google funds many right-wing campaigns in the US

mercredi 4 décembre 2013 à 13:00

Google funds many right-wing campaigns in the US, including ALEC and tea party nut Senator Cruz, and "tax reform" that would tax the rich less.

Mark Duggan was surrendering when a thug shot him

mercredi 4 décembre 2013 à 13:00

A witness says Mark Duggan was surrendering, with his hands up and a phone in his hand, when a thug shot him.