Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Urgent: call on Obama to publish TPP text

lundi 4 mai 2015 à 14:00

US citizens: stand by senators Brown, Sanders and Warren in calling on Obama to publish the text of the TPP and other so-called "trade agreements".

We know that these treaties are nasty. If they weren't nasty, they wouldn't serve the interests of the plutocrats. However, not everyone follows that reasoning. As long as the text is secret, we can't point to specific nasty things in it, and that enables Obama and the Republicans to get away with misrepresenting it.

Alternative proposals for copyright law

lundi 4 mai 2015 à 14:00

Xnet's positive agenda for copyright law.

Ban on discrimination of irreligious

lundi 4 mai 2015 à 14:00

Madison, Wisconsin, has banned discrimination against Atheists.

Religious freedom includes the freedom to have no religion, and laws against discrimination based on religion should be interpreted as including a prohibition against discrimination against those without religion.

Urgent: end "too big to jail"

lundi 4 mai 2015 à 14:00

US citizens: call on newly confirmed Attorney General Lynch to end "too big to jail".

US thugs kill 500x as fast as UK ones

lundi 4 mai 2015 à 14:00

US thugs killed twice as many people in March 2013 as UK thugs have killed since 1900.

That is not a typo. US thugs are killing people at 2000 times the rate of UK thugs.

Of course, the US is more populous. Its population is four times that of the UK. So US thugs are killing people 500 times as fast as they would in a country like the UK but as big in population as the US.