Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Kerry's sham "peace process"

dimanche 6 avril 2014 à 14:00

Kerry's sham "peace process" has visibly fallen apart.

The idea of a "fatal blow" to the "peace process" presumes it was serious and intended to succeed. However, Israel never had any intention of making nontrivial concessions, so the process was nothing but an attempt to pressure Palestine to legitimize what Israel has taken.

Its "demise" creates a small opening for peace, but only if more pressure is placed on Israel.

Protests against austerity

dimanche 6 avril 2014 à 14:00

Protesters Against Austerity Fill the Streets of Montreal. The thugs attacked them, of course.

There were mass protests against austerity in Brussels also.

IMF-imposed austerity

dimanche 6 avril 2014 à 14:00

Ukraine's leaders call the coming IMF-imposed austerity "the price of independence".

They have it backwards: the price of independence will be whatever it costs Ukraine to throw off the IMF's yoke.

One of the IMF's requirements is truly necessary: making fossil fuels more expensive. That must be done in every country so that less of them will be used.

Network neutrality

dimanche 6 avril 2014 à 14:00

The European Parliament voted for network neutrality.

Third-party cookies

dimanche 6 avril 2014 à 14:00

How third-party cookies combine for substantial tracking, even if each one contains only a meaningless number.