Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Urgent: File charges against killers

dimanche 3 janvier 2016 à 01:00

US citizens: call on the Justice Department to file charges against Tamir Rice's killers.

Urgent: Repeal Hyde amendment

dimanche 3 janvier 2016 à 01:00

US citizens: call for repeal of the Hyde amendment — allow US government to fund abortions.

Urgent: Endorsement for president

dimanche 3 janvier 2016 à 01:00

US citizens: call on MoveOn to ask its supporters which Democrat to endorse for president.

"American Exceptionalism"

samedi 2 janvier 2016 à 01:00

"American Exceptionalism" allows Americans to believe that the US is so fundamentally morally right that it is still in the right no matter what evils it commits.

Prematurely born fetuses

samedi 2 janvier 2016 à 01:00

Due to advances in medicine, it is possible to save a fraction of fetuses born prematurely after as little as 22 weeks.

A 22-week fetus, whether inside of a womb or outside, is not a human being. It is only a potential future human being.

If you give birth to one, you can try to keep it alive until it becomes a human being. But unless we were in a space colony with an urgent need to increase the population, I will not drop anything to help you, and I don't think it's a good use of our tax money. There is a superfluity of babies that are born without such extraordinary efforts — and there are millions of real, existing, human beings that already exist and need help. I think real existing human beings should have priority over potential future human beings.

Writers have envisioned artificial wombs in which a zygote can develop into a fetus and eventually into a human being. Perhaps some day we will build them. That won't create an obligation to use them for every zygote.