Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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mardi 26 août 2014 à 14:00

Thugs killed another black man in St Louis, not far from Ferguson. Video shows that there was no reason to shoot him, let alone shoot him 12 times rapidly without waiting as much as 15 seconds.

It could well be that those thugs really believed he was threatening them. Part of the effect of racism is that it leads people to perceive a black male as potentially violent. If the thugs are allowed to cite this as an excuse for killing someone, their murder spree will go unchecked.

Racist thinking is associated with the bad logic of "essentialist" thinking, but specific kinds of experiences can lead people out of such thinking.

Roundup-ready GMO corn study

mardi 26 août 2014 à 14:00

The study that found damage in animals that were exposed to Roundup, or that ate Roundup-ready GMO corn, has been published again.

The journal that published it first later retracted it in suspicious circumstances.

Outcomes of trials in Florida

mardi 26 août 2014 à 14:00

The outcome of trials in Florida is affected by the race of the people in the jury pool, in a strange way.

If all the jury pool is white, black defendants are more likely to get convicted than white defendants. But if at least one black person shows up for the jury pool, the disparity disappears — even a jury is made up only of whites.

I think it would be legitimate to arrange for partial racial balance in jury pools if that eliminates demonstrated unfairness in trial outcomes.

Employees' social media profiles

mardi 26 août 2014 à 14:00

35% of young Britons would be happy to show their social media profiles to employers if pressured to do so.

The report says "in exchange for job security", which sounds like a benefit; but since employers can reduce job security to zero if they wish, in practice it means, "If you don't show us, you'll be fired (or never hired)."

It should be illegal for employers to even ask.

Rush to approve killing a US citizen

mardi 26 août 2014 à 14:00

David Barron, now Federal Judge Barron, was in an awful rush to approve killing a US citizen with no criminal charges based on nothing but intelligence reports.

We know how a president can shape intelligence reports around whatever result he seeks, so this is little limitation.