Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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NRA meeting

mardi 6 mars 2018 à 01:00

The bully's handlers, and the NRA, say they have got him back on script and he won't break out into support for gun control again.

He must loathe being kept in line this way. He might snap some day and start a nuclear war.

Boycott of Qatar

mardi 6 mars 2018 à 01:00

Kushner tried to get money from Qatar, to bail out his debts. Qatar said no, and soon the US supported Salafi Arabia's boycott of Qatar.

Spying on prisoner's sister

mardi 6 mars 2018 à 01:00

Impunity for repression The UK dropped the investigation into thugs that tried to spy on the sister of a prisoner that was killed by thugs.

The idea that they could have any legitimate reason to interfere with her beggars belief. Especially since they obtained no warrant to do so. What we see here is impunity for repression.

The free speech of bigots

mardi 6 mars 2018 à 01:00

Responding to leftists who think that "free speech" is just a way to legitimize bigotry.

I respect the free speech of bigots, not because I agree with what they say, but rather despite the fact that I disagree with them. I am sure that if some views come to be censored, they won't be the plutocrats' views, or the bigots' views. Rather, the views that criticize them will be censored.

Since the article mentioned trigger warnings, I would like to mention the idea (which I believe I read in an article in Free Inquiry) that trigger warnings are like spoiler warnings: a way of doing a favor to people who might prefer to avoid a particular topic. To fail to warn should not be a big deal, but when you have an opportunity to do people this favor, why not do it?

Car usage data

mardi 6 mars 2018 à 01:00

Car companies are planning to collect lots of data about the use of the car, and want to sell it.

The first way a "connected car" spies on the driver is through the connection itself. It uses a cell phone modem, and the phone network tracks its movements just as it tracks a cell phone.

You can disconnect the modem in your car, probably just by unscrewing it. Then the phone network can't track you, and the car isn't connected, so it can't send any data about you, such as where you travel or what you say in the car.

But it might save up data to be sent or extracted later. To prevent this, we need laws.