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A Journalist’s Guide to Creative Commons 2023

lundi 5 juin 2023 à 14:17

Sharing and reusing content in newsrooms is nothing new. But embracing Creative Commons unlocks infinitely more potential, completely free of charge. Increasingly, news outlets around the world embrace Creative Commons to enhance their coverage, boost their readership, and move towards more sustainable business models. 

Whether you work for a smaller newsroom seeking high quality, newsworthy photos that are free to use, or are part of a larger operation, like Propublica, that CC licenses all news to increase access and spread, CC licenses are free, powerful tools at your disposal.  

Yet, some journalists may not be aware of the potential and ease of these tools. Open Newswire and Creative Commons partnered to offer a practical primer on Creative Commons for journalism, and how to make the most of CC licenses. Enjoy!

For more information about Open Newswire, the global aggregator of CC-licensed articles, contact

For more information about CC licensing your works, or reusing others’ CC licensed content, visit the CC FAQ page, the CC Certificate training resources, or contact for a consultation. 

CC also offers free “office hours” with our copyright lawyers and periodic trainings. We will run open journalism trainings at the 2023 Collaborative Journalism Summit June 6, online at RightsCon June 7 in partnership with Open Newswire, and The Conversation, and at Media Party June 8. CC will host additional open journalism training at the CC Summit, October 3-6. We hope to connect with you. 

You can view the guide below (click at the bottom to navigate through pages), or download it in a PDF format.

A Journalist’s Guide to Creative Commons 2023” by Zac Crellin and Jennryn Wetzler for Creative Commons, licensed CC BY 4.0.


Creative Commons is a global nonprofit organization that addresses the world’s most pressing challenges through advancing open access to knowledge and knowledge. CC built and stewards the global standard of open licenses that power millions of people’s unfettered access to culture, research, information, education and more. We know of over 2.5 billion CC licenses being used across 9 million websites, to date. We work to deliver open access to technology, education, science, culture and resources, and advance knowledge to solve problems and promote the public interest.

Open Newswire is a consolidated feed of freely-republishable news articles written by professional journalists from around the world. Articles are written in over 90 languages and are available to be used under Creative Commons licenses or similar guidelines.

The post A Journalist’s Guide to Creative Commons 2023 appeared first on Creative Commons.

Join CC at RightsCon: AI for a Better Internet and Open Journalism

samedi 3 juin 2023 à 21:12

Are you attending RightsCon 2023, either in person in Costa Rica or virtually online? Join the Creative Commons team and community members for two sessions, one in-person for RightsCon participants in San José  and the other virtual so anyone can attend with a free online pass.

These sessions on artificial intelligence (AI) and open journalism will extend our work to support the public interest commons and a better internet for everyone, by following our strategy to support better sharing, sharing that is contextual, inclusive, just, equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable. Both topics will also be part of the program at CC’s Global Summit during 3–6 Oct 2023 in Mexico City, now open for registration and session proposals!

Exploring the values that will shape AI for a better internet

Text saying “RightsCon Costa Rica Register for RightsCon to join our in-person session Exploring the values that will shape AI for a better internet 6 June 2023 16:30 Costa Rica time” and a logo for Movement for a Better Internet followed by text saying “facilitated by team members from” over logos for Creative Commons, Internet Archive, Public Knowledge, and Association for Progressive Communications, all on a green rectangle with orange bottom left and top right corners.
“AI for a Better Internet at RightsCon 2023” by Creative Commons is dedicated to the public domain via CC0 1.0.

In-person session: Tue 6 June 2023 16:30–17:30 Costa Rica time

We have all witnessed the internet’s ability to democratize speech and access to knowledge, give voice to the voiceless, and support shared online spaces. We have also seen how the internet’s evolution can cause unanticipated harms and how tools for sharing can be misused to manipulate, mislead, and limit choice. With AI coming online, we now also see how both benefits and harms can be augmented and accelerated at scale.  Organizations that have been championing digital human rights to benefit internet users everywhere are collaborating on an emerging Movement for a Better internet. Together we are working to crystallize shared values about what would constitute “better” and paths to get to a better internet from different perspectives, with a primary goal to produce a statement of values that underpin a broader public interest vision, and a collaborative policy agenda for a better internet.

At CC, we’ve been exploring issues around AI for some time — for example, see our 2023 blog post series and our 2021 blog post: Should CC-Licensed Content be Used to Train AI? It Depends. But the way forward is still not clear. Our workshop with other members of the Movement for a Better Internet will distill thinking from the RightsCon community about the opportunities and challenges AI brings to the commons and the internet, and explore potential solutions to shape AI for the better.

Open journalism: Why many newsrooms open and share their content, and how you can help!

Text saying “RightsCon Costa Rica Register for RightsCon to join our online session Help us crowdsource open journalism outlets! 7 June 2023 9:30am UTC” and headshots labelled Zac Crellin, Founder, Open Newswire, Khalil A. Cassimally, Head of Audience Insights, The Conversation, and Jennryn Wetzler, Director of Learning & Training, Creative Commons.
“Open Journalism at RightsCon 2023” by Creative Commons is dedicated to the public domain via CC0 1.0.

Virtual online session: Wed 7 June 2023 09:30–10:30 UTC

Journalism is a critical public service to all of us. Unfettered access to verified information is essential for a healthy information ecosystem — which is essential for democracy and social justice. Yet, journalism is challenged by broken revenue models, the closures of local news outlets, and declining trust among readers. Misinformation and disinformation campaigns in the media challenge collective notions of ground truth. They also challenge the bedrock and meaning of an open internet, as most proposed solutions involve limiting speech.

To go beyond the session at RightsCon, you can read our report, From Broken Revenue Models to Embracing an “Open” Ethos, based on research with over 500 journalists from 18 different countries, and use our guide, A Journalist’s Guide to Creative Commons. Are you a journalist or part of a news organization? Get in touch with CC to hold a workshop on open journalism with your team.

The post Join CC at RightsCon: AI for a Better Internet and Open Journalism appeared first on Creative Commons.

2023 Cumbre Global CC: Registro, convocatoria de propuestas y solicitudes de becas ahora abiertas.

vendredi 2 juin 2023 à 15:39

Una foto teñida de azul de una bandera mexicana gigante ondeando sobre la Plaza Zócalo de la Ciudad de México con la Catedral al fondo, superpuesta con líneas de conexión neuronal en la esquina inferior izquierda y decorada con el logotipo de CC Global Summit y el texto que dice "INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL (IA) Y LOS BIENES COMUNES, CIUDAD DE MÉXICO | 3–6 DE OCTUBRE DE 2023” y “SUMMIT.CREATIVECOMMONS.ORG”

[read this post in English >]

Luego de nuestro anuncio inicial para la Cumbre Global Creative Commons 2023, ahora nos complace abrir la siguiente fase de preparación para este evento tan esperado, que tendrá lugar del 3 al 6 de octubre de 2023 en el corazón de la Ciudad de México. Hoy comienza el registro, la convocatoria de propuestas, y solicitudes de becas.

Tema de la Cumbre: IA y los bienes comunes

Dentro de la preparación de la Cumbre, hemos estado perfeccionando el enfoque para que sea inteligencia artificial (IA) y los bienes comunes.

El creciente uso de la IA ha llegado a dominar las conversaciones y actividades en nuestras comunidades. Incluso el término “IA” es demasiado simplificado y cuestionado, ya que representa una amplia variedad de prácticas y herramientas de aprendizaje automático con diferentes orígenes y usos que no son necesariamente artificiales (ya que la IA es creada por humanos) o inteligentes (en la forma en que los humanos son). Mientras tanto, los autores están incorporando herramientas de IA a su trabajo, los investigadores están aprovechando la IA para explorar grandes conjuntos de datos y los educadores están usando la IA para ayudar a crear nuevos recursos educativos abiertos. Pero al mismo tiempo, los artistas y escritores se preguntan cómo la IA se basa en sus creaciones, las publicaciones como Wikipedia y las revistas académicas están luchando con las presentaciones automatizadas impulsadas por la IA, y los legisladores están adoptando nuevas regulaciones de la IA como las que vemos en la Unión Europea, quizás sin tener en cuenta las preocupaciones globales.

La intersección entre la IA y los bienes comunes es compleja, pero una cosa está clara: la IA crea importantes oportunidades y desafíos tanto a los bienes comunes como a la estrategia de CC para apoyar mejor compartir, que sea contextual, inclusivo, justo, equitativo, recíproco y sostenible.

En CC, hemos estado explorando asuntos relacionados con la IA durante algún tiempo; por ejemplo, nuestra serie de publicaciones de blog 2023 y nuestra publicación de blog de 2021: Should CC-Licensed Content be Used to Train AI? It Depends. Pero el camino a seguir aún no está claro. Necesitamos seguir adelante y explorar la complejidad de la IA como comunidad, por lo que estamos entusiasmados de poder tener la Cumbre como una oportunidad para promover la conversación, la exploración y la comprensión.

Vendremos a la Cumbre buscando ampliar nuestra comprensión de la IA y los bienes comunes, además de que se ofrecerá una amplia combinación de sesiones, incluirá temas clásicos de CC que pueden no estar relacionados con la IA y reunirá a personas de toda la comunidad de CC para conectarse en vivo en la Ciudad de México y también de forma virtual en línea para quienes no puedan asistir de manera presencial.


Únase a nosotros en el Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco del 3 al 6 de octubre de 2023, asistirán entusiastas del conocimiento y cultura abierta de todo el mundo para intercambiar ideas, desarrollar soluciones y dar forma colectiva al futuro de la creatividad y la colaboración digital.

Espere una reunión vibrante y diversa en la Cumbre de este año, con una variedad de sesiones que incluyen conferencias magistrales, paneles, sesiones comunitarias, talleres, oportunidades para establecer contactos, así como arte y música. Entonces, ya sea que sea un entusiasta de la tecnología, un creador digital, un experto en políticas o un ferviente miembro de la comunidad CC, habrá sesiones y conversaciones que lo involucrarán.

Para aquellos que no pueden unirse a nosotros en la Ciudad de México, estamos planeando reuniones de forma virtual en línea adicionales antes, durante y después de la Cumbre en persona.



Proponer una sesión

También estamos encantados de anunciar nuestra convocatoria de propuestas. El comité del programa comunitario invita propuestas que aborden la IA y los bienes comunes u otros temas relevantes para la comunidad CC, especialmente propuestas que van más allá de las sesiones de conferencias estándar para explorar experiencias interactivas, trabajos culturales y resultados colaborativos. Invitamos a todos los activistas, creadores, defensores, bibliotecarios, estudiantes, educadores, abogados, tecnólogos, y otros de todo el mundo para presentar sus ideas, proyectos y experiencias. Damos la bienvenida a una gran variedad de formatos de presentación, que incluyen conferencias magistrales, paneles, sesiones comunitarias, talleres, creación de redes, arte y música.

La fecha límite para enviar propuestas es la medianoche, hora del Pacífico (UTC-7) del 4 de julio de 2023.



Solicitar una beca

Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes para el fondo de becas de la Cumbre Global CC 2023 la fecha límite es el 26 junio 2023. El fondo de becas existe para ayudar a cubrir el costo de asistencia a la Cumbre para aquellos que no puedan asistir de otra manera. Queremos asegurarnos de que tantas personas como sea posible tengan la oportunidad de participar y beneficiarse de la CC comunidad, independientemente de su situación financiera. Un objetivo principal de las becas es garantizar la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión entre los participantes de la Cumbre. En las cumbres anteriores de CC, casi el 25% de todos los asistentes recibieron algún apoyo de becas. Nuestros beneficiarios de becas provienen de todas las regiones del mundo de CC, con un enfoque en garantizar que las personas de África, Asia-Pacífico y América Latina estén bien representadas.

La fecha límite para solicitar una beca es la medianoche, hora del Pacífico (UTC-7) del 26 de junio de 2023.



Mantente conectado

¡No te pierdas esta experiencia incomparable en la Cumbre Global CC 2023 en la Ciudad de México! Para mantenerte informado sobre las noticias y actualizaciones de la Cumbre:


¿Estás interesado en convertirte en patrocinador de la Cumbre Global CC 2023? Obtén más información sobre nuestras oportunidades de patrocinio comunicándote con Javaher Nooryani en

Únete a nosotros en la Ciudad de México del 3 al 6 de octubre para la Cumbre Global CC 2023 para conectarte con otros creadores, innovadores y agentes de cambio que están impulsando el futuro de #BetterSharing. Regístrese hoy y asegure su lugar >>

The post 2023 Cumbre Global CC: Registro, convocatoria de propuestas y solicitudes de becas ahora abiertas. appeared first on Creative Commons.

2023 CC Global Summit: Registration, Call for Proposals, and Scholarships Now Open

vendredi 2 juin 2023 à 15:39

A photo tinted blue of a giant Mexican flag flying over Mexico City’s Zocalo Square with the Cathedral in the background, overlaid with neural connection lines in the bottom left corner, and decorated with CC Global Summit logo and text that says “AI & THE COMMONS, MEXICO CITY | 3–6 OCT 2023” and “SUMMIT.CREATIVECOMMONS.ORG”

[lee esta entrada en español >]

Following our initial announcement for the 2023 Creative Commons Global Summit, we are now excited to open the next phase of preparation for this much-anticipated event, set to take place during 3–6 October 2023 in the heart of Mexico City. Today, we are opening up registration, initiating the call for proposals, and starting to accept scholarship applications.

Summit theme: AI & the commons

As preparations have evolved, we’re also honing the thematic focus for this year’s Summit to be AI & the Commons.

The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) has come to dominate conversations and activities across our communities. Even the term “AI” is oversimplified and contested, as it stands for a wide variety of machine learning practices and tools with different origins and uses that are not necessarily artificial (as AI is made by humans) nor intelligent (in the way that humans are). Meanwhile, creators are bringing AI tools into their work, researchers are harnessing AI to explore large datasets, and educators are using AI to help build new open educational resources. But at the same time, artists and writers are questioning how AI builds on their creations, publications like Wikipedia and scholarly journals are struggling with automated submissions powered by AI, and policymakers are adopting new AI regulations like those we see in the European Union, perhaps without considering global concerns.

The intersection between AI and the commons is complex, but one thing is clear: AI brings significant opportunities and challenges both to the commons and to CC’s strategy to support better sharing, sharing that is contextual, inclusive, just, equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable.

At CC, we’ve been exploring issues around AI for some time — for example, see our 2023 blog post series and our 2021 blog post: Should CC-Licensed Content be Used to Train AI? It Depends. But the way forward is still not clear. We need to keep going and explore AI’s complexity as a community, so we are excited to be able to have the Summit as an opportunity to further conversation, exploration, and understanding.

We will come to Summit looking to extend our understanding of AI and the commons, but the Summit will also have a wide mix of sessions, include classic CC topics that may not relate to AI, and bring together people from across the CC community to connect live in Mexico City and also virtually online for those who are not able to attend in person.


Join us at the Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco during 3–6 October 2023, as we convene open knowledge and culture enthusiasts from around the world to exchange ideas, develop solutions, and collectively shape the future of digital creativity and collaboration.

Expect a vibrant and diverse gathering at this year’s Summit, featuring an array of sessions including keynotes, panels, community sessions, workshops, networking opportunities, as well as art and music. So, whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a digital creator, a policy expert, or a fervent member of the CC community, there will be sessions and conversations that will engage you.

For those who can’t join us in Mexico City, we’re planning additional online/virtual gatherings before, during, and after the in-person Summit.



Propose a session

We are also thrilled to announce our call for proposals. The community program committee invites proposals that address AI and the commons and/or other topics relevant to the CC community, especially proposals that go beyond standard conference sessions to explore interactive experiences, cultural works, and collaborative outcomes. We invite all activists, creators, advocates, librarians, students, educators, lawyers, technologists, and others across the globe to submit their ideas, projects, and experiences. We welcome a myriad of presentation formats, including keynotes, panels, community sessions, workshops, networking, art, and music.

The deadline for submitting proposals is midnight Pacific Time (UTC-7) on 4 July 2023.



Apply for a scholarship

We are now accepting applications for the 2023 CC Global Summit scholarship fund until 26 June 2023. The scholarship fund exists to help cover the cost of attendance for the Summit for those who may not be able to attend otherwise. We want to make sure that as many people as possible have a chance to participate in and benefit from the CC community, regardless of their financial situation. A primary goal of the scholarships is to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion among Summit participants. At past CC Summits, nearly 25% of all attendees received some CC scholarship support. Our scholarship recipients come from every CC world region, with a focus on ensuring that individuals from Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America are well-represented.

The deadline for applying for a scholarship is midnight Pacific Time (UTC-7) on 26 June 2023.



Stay connected

Don’t miss this unparalleled experience at the 2023 CC Global Summit in Mexico City! To stay informed about CC Summit news and updates:


Interested in becoming a sponsor for the 2023 CC Global Summit? Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities by contacting Javaher Nooryani at

Join us in Mexico City during 3–6 October for the 2023 CC Global Summit to connect with fellow creators, innovators, and changemakers who are driving the future of #BetterSharing. Register today and secure your spot >>

The post 2023 CC Global Summit: Registration, Call for Proposals, and Scholarships Now Open appeared first on Creative Commons.

CC’s #BetterSharing Collection | June: Share Freely, Openly, Like We Share Air

jeudi 1 juin 2023 à 15:00
An illustration of decorative text in various colors saying SHARE FREELY OPENLY LIKE WE SHARE AIR, surrounded by floating colored balls.
Share Freely, Openly, Like We Share Air” by Hust Wilson for Creative Commons and Fine Acts is licensed via CC BY-SA 4.0.

As part of our #20CC anniversary, last year we joined forces with Fine Acts to spark a global dialogue on what better sharing looks like in action. Our #BetterSharing collection of illustrations was the result — we gathered insights from 12 prominent open advocates around the world and tasked 12 renowned artists who embrace openness with transforming these perspectives into captivating visual pieces available under a CC license.

Each month throughout 2023, we will be spotlighting a different CC-licensed illustration from the collection on our social media headers and the CC blog. For June, we’re excited to showcase “Share Freely, Openly, Like We Share Air” by Hust Wilson. The piece, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, was inspired by a quote from David Moinina Sengeh, Education Minister and Chief Innovation Officer of Sierra Leone and TED Senior Fellow:

“To share anything freely and openly, much like we share air, is to be alive.”

Meet the artist:

Huston Wilson, known as Hust Wilson, is an Art Director and Designer based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He grew up learning different design skills to improve his knowledge on the history of design, but has an aesthetic for typography and illustration. With a profound passion for design, Hust has established himself as a masterful artist, renowned for crafting captivating artworks that convey compelling stories. “Always improve yourself and get out of your comfort box” are words constantly employed within his mind.

Follow Hust on Instagram: @hustwilson
Follow Hust on Behance: @hustwilson

The full #BetterSharing collection is available on to be enjoyed, used and adapted, and then shared again, by anyone, forever. View the full collection >>

The post CC’s #BetterSharing Collection | June: Share Freely, Openly, Like We Share Air appeared first on Creative Commons.