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Internet decides: onahole poll #8 (closed)

dimanche 5 juillet 2015 à 14:31

It’s time again for a bimestrial poll to let you decide what onaholes I should request to vendors !

Quick news: hot summer, 38°C / 100°F that start to harm my beloved onaholes. Naho-chan is so lucky having fun at the sea.. Meanwhile I’ve been doing some tweaking on the blog, making it faster and safer. Nothing special to announce at this point, but stuff is underway 😉 As usual you can add custom votes for other onaholes, and you can request new features in comments. Let’s start !

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What 3 onaholes should AkaiHebi request ? (end July 10th)
  • 41 vote 19%
    19% of all votes
  • Puni Ana SPDX Onahole * 12%, 25 votes
    25 votes 12%
    12% of all votes
  • 22 votes 10%
    10% of all votes
  • Pero x 3 Onaho 3rd 10%, 21 vote
    21 vote 10%
    10% of all votes
  • 18 votes 8%
    8% of all votes
  • 11 votes 5%
    5% of all votes
  • 11 votes 5%
    5% of all votes
  • Meiki Real - Onahole * 5%, 10 votes
    10 votes 5%
    5% of all votes
  • Dank memes * 4%, 9 votes
    9 votes 4%
    4% of all votes
  • IPPONSUJI 01 Mizuho, IPPONSUJI 02 Arisa * 4%, 8 votes
    8 votes 4%
    4% of all votes
  • Boku Ona Zero 3%, 7 votes
    7 votes 3%
    3% of all votes
  • Poku Ona 3%, 7 votes
    7 votes 3%
    3% of all votes
  • 7 votes 3%
    3% of all votes
  • Meiki no Syoumei 05 Zhang Xiao Yu * 3%, 7 votes
    7 votes 3%
    3% of all votes
  • Ero Katsu! * 2%, 4 votes
    4 votes 2%
    2% of all votes
  • there is no little sister that doesnt like her brothers penis #1 * 2%, 4 votes
    4 votes 2%
    2% of all votes
  • Ikappara Girl * 1%, 2 votes
    2 votes 1%
    1% of all votes
  • Tomax Venus Real Soft * 0%, 1 vote
    1 vote
    0% of all votes
Total Votes: 215
2015 July 5
2015 July 10
* - added by visitor
Voting is closed
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Boku Ona 2 Great

mardi 30 juin 2015 à 16:08


Cat. Girls. For too long I had it waiting, it’s about time I talk to you about Boku Ona 2 Great, nyanned to me by NLS for review. Let’s go !

Cat, cats, pussies and kitties, I love the internet. Let’s begin with a quick word about the maker: MATE. It’s actually the first onahole from them reviewed here, but MATE already has a name in the onahole world: they made the immensely successful “Boku Ona” onaholes, like Boku Ona ZERO, Boku Ona x {insert number or anime girl name here}, Boku Ona Mini, Ona Pet, Boku Ona Super Quick, huh. I had it coming: someday I’ll have no choice but to masturbate to a catgirl, which I’m not exactly against.


Those curves oooooh. I’m usually more into thirsty kittens but well. A catgirl from the same litter as Black Hanekawa can do.

"nyaa~ ?"

“nyaa~ ?”


boku-ona-2-great_a boku-ona-2-great_b

boku-ona-2-great1 boku-ona-2-great2 boku-ona-2-great3

So yeah let’s already mention the 50cL lube bottle, so you can have a correctly decent fun time with it. Nothing special to say about the lube, it could glide better maybe.


The basic shape is pretty much like Boku Ona 1/2/3/Zero’s, Boku Ona 2 Great is just larger (hence “great”, wow). With about 16cm actual tunnel length, it’s pretty good for westerners or more generally people whose penises are around that length. The material is a good soft TPE, with the characteristic smell of it, and it doesn’t get toooo sticky and oily. It’s more or less comparable to current A-One’s of N.P.G’s materials: “average”. We’re talking about low-price masturbators.

Some more pics before we focus on the inside, I tried shooting some but NLS’ lightning is just unmatchable and I can’t open the curtains unless I wanna die roasted by the sun:

1_1423024443_1_oxeFG 1_1423024444_1_eqn2z 1_1423024445_1_zrnIk 1_1423024446_1_zlknv

Strings oh strings, that’s right. It features strings inside, but unlike Bangee Shake-like onaholes those simply stretch along the tunnel and don’t get in the way. … sadly.

1_1423024448_1_wTjDu 51lYb0-9QUL._SL1280_


I was a bit curious about those strings. But, in fact…  could really do without: they’re almost not felt, and they just make the first half on the onahole really boring. Like “please, start making me feel good already”. The answer to that is often “we need to go deeper”, and so it is: the second half in turn is really nice, a mix of bigger ribs and tiny little ones, the alternating of them makes it close if not better than Virgin Loop. And after that, meh. There’s no real “vacuum chamber” at the end, so the pleasure depends on the stretching of the material itself and suction effect is no part of it.

How about turning the onahole around the tip, do the strings simulate something like a tongue rolling around ? That was not really like it. So using Boku Ona 2 Great for me was forcing it all over my penis, real deep so I could enjoy the second half. And that was nice, yeah pretty decent !

Once the business is done, comes the cleaning. Good thing the onahole can be turned inside out without too much effort, but the size of it makes it.. uh.. uneasy. The strings stretch in a chaotic mess I have no idea how it happens, and more than once I had to be rather forceful to clean it deep down. In the longer run, I’m pretty sure you’ll end up damaging it with your nails or ripping with all the stretching, it can endure quite a bit but there’s a limit.

So now, is it worth the price ? I must say, MATE sells their stuff at good prices, and now I’m actually curious about Boku Ona Zero and Poku Ona, it’s smaller than Boku Ona 2 Great and seems to have much better insides than Boku Ona 1/2/3/2 Great. Very cheap price for the potential. But compared to that, ugh Boku Ona 2 Great should be listed at half it’s price.

More kittens, MATE !

Ona Beat 2nd Gig

mercredi 24 juin 2015 à 22:52


Today, something special. One of my very first onahole, but I never blogged about it. Until now.

Usually, I don’t look in the past. The present and the future are already enough to handle, and there’s stuff I just don’t wanna recall. But then, on a random occasion, the past just pops up, and you have to deal with it. This time, it happened with me and this onahole, the Ona Beat 2nd Gig. It’s still right there, haunting my J-List order history, proudly between Aketemite and Haru Nyan Mini, such a nice trio. On April 25th 2011,  35 USD were exchanged for Ona Beat 2nd Gig. Yeah, we all do stupid things in our youth.


Frontier Japan, the maker, is what you can call a competitor of Tamatoys. While the latter still has a flourishing business, the former disappeared almost totally, or so it seemed until they appeared again on the interwebs with the Natsu no Himegoto onahip showing some visible improvement.

Competitor of Tamatoys because Frontier Japan makes parody onaholes, I see plenty AKB48, Oreimo, Hatsune Miku parody stuff, and much of K-On. Ona Beat 2nd Gig depicts Mio.




Jelly, entirely jelly, it’s not the common TPE you find today. It still makes me shiver when I look at it, yeah I inserted my penis inside that, not once, but TWICE before it went to the trash. I just wanted it gone, so when I started Onahole Review one year later it was partly due to this onahole but I never actually wanted to blog about it until now. What I can still remember about it is… it’s stinking, it’s sticky, it feels gross to the touch and it’s appearance looks like it was made from molten tires.

toy2001027 (1)


Yay, my first dual-hole 😭

The sensations were NONE. I felt stupid rocking that big piece of jelly up and down my bored dick, it went nowhere. Luckily for me, because from the looks of it cleaning inside would have been a PITA. And oh, small detail:  I pierced the bottom of the.. “pussy” hole. Second use. And then in the trash it went. ..  it would have been more fun burning banknotes, and in the end the money is wasted anyway. Instead…..  I went on the onahole adventure you all know about.

That’s all folks, it was the only onahole I never blogged about and now it’s done. Thing of the past and in the past it shall remain !

Naho-chan goes summer !

dimanche 21 juin 2015 à 17:36

Summer, finally ! New season, new banner, new stuff 😎

First of all: RenRen’s new Naho-chan drawings for Onahole Review !

Naho natsu 1 Naho natsu 2

Here with stronger contrast:

Naho natsu 1c Naho natsu 2c

And here a cropped wallpaper for your smartphone:

naho-natsu-phone naho-natsu-phone2

Enjoy and don’t forget your sunscreen :)

Fuwa Cyun W

samedi 6 juin 2015 à 13:20


Ladies and gentlemen, today let’s talk about the long-awaited Fuwa Cyun W, sent to me by NST !

Fuwa Cyun W has been requested by many of you since the March poll, and me too I kept an eye on it since the preorders opened, aaaand G-Project kinda underestimated the demand and quickly ran out of stock ! NipponSexToys being still a very new shop, the first preorders were the first served. But now that G-Project ramped up the production, Fuwa Cyun W gets smoothly delivered worldwide !

As usual, let’s begin with the packaging:


Pretty uncommon is the printing of the words “FUWA CYUN W”, in glitter ink. It doesn’t show very well in my scans:


Fuwa Cyun W – Feel good. Feels right. Fuwa Cyun W not only feels great, it’s well made, durable, functional and it feels right with new and experienced users alike. With Fuwa Cyun W, we strive to satisfy and not dissapoint.

I say it’s about time the onahole industry hires foreigners (gaijin) for product descriptions, especially English-speaking ones 😉 But let’s not be too rude, after all how would you translate “kupaa” ? (it’s the onomatopoeia for a spread-open pussy). By the way, what does “Fuwa Cyun” stand for ? “Fuwa” means “soft / mellow”, and I suspect “Cyun” to be a wordplay of the cyan color, and the onomatopoeia “kyun” (the sudden heartclick when you see someone you love). And the “W”.. what’s written below ? ダブル → “daburu”. Oh, yet another wordplay:  “W” → “daburu” → “double” !

G-Project’s character choice is simply gorgeous. What could be better for a double-hole than twin sisters, I ask you ? Genetically the same, twins often want to stand out from each other and show totally different behaviors, at least in anime. And so you get the “soft” sister with pink hair and cute smile, she’s gentle yet she doesn’t seem innocent to me. A yandere ? Pretty sure to me that the other sister is a tsundere, who will pretend that she doesn’t do this because she likes you or anything, baka. S-Stop starring at me you perv. I don’t know if they’re up for some incest-threesome but I like how their generous boobs touch together. How would it start ? You’d slide your throbbing dick in the middle of their boobs, or would you rather let them lick you from each side competing on who makes you feel better ?

Fast forward, opening the box !



Waah~ those colors ! Exactly the Ju-C PUTI 2 blue, and..  Ju-C PUTI 1 pink ? NUKO-NUKO‘s color seems very similar. Those two colors together are very beautiful.

What’s more in included accessories, you’ll find a 15mL lube sample from PePee and illustrated by Namo. Loli professor with catears rises her arms up, I think it’s a good sign. I didn’t open it but I guess it’s pretty much the same as PePee's standard lube. And oh ! Also included is a storage bag to keep the dirt off while letting your onahole dry, I’m more into NLS' storage bag but that’s a good accessory already.

Unsurprisingly from G-Project, on opening the onahole has quite some “plastic” smell. The smell fades away after a few washes but doesn’t disappear totally, and the onahole tends to get slightly oily especially on the pink side:


This is understandable, it’s the included oil that makes the material softer, therefor the pink side gets more oily. To make the surface feel dry and smooth, rub some powder on it (corn starch is recommended over talc).

"Hey guys, long time no see uhuhuh"

“Hey guys, long time no see uhuhuh”

Oh, I think Tomoko’s up for something..

"eww Akai's been rough on that part.."

“eww Akai’s been rough on that part..”

That’s not… hey, don’t use your Hitachi as microphone !

"this one, that is Akai's favorite hole fuhuhu"

“this one, that is Akai’s favorite hole fuhuhu”

Please stop…



Hey hey okay, let’s talk about the insides.


This makes it as complicated and mechanical as a Tenga cup, yeeeet we’re not quite so far in onahole microstructures.

fuwa-cyun-inside-0 fuwa-cyun-inside-1 fuwa-cyun-inside-2 fuwa-cyun-inside-3 fuwa-cyun-inside-4 fuwa-cyun-inside-5 fuwa-cyun-inside-6 fuwa-cyun-inside-7

It’s more like that.. I think neither me or onado from onahodouga wants to slice the onahole open just yet


So yes, Fuwa Cyun W is a double-hole, or kinda like a penetrated onahole, this means that it’s easier to clean, but you have to block the opening to create some vacuuuuum:


Some other things: lubing up and carrying the onahole around can make you find lube drops on the floor and since lube is to make sliding easier, well…  don’t slip on it. Also.. uuh how to put it…   be careful when you cum, semen leaking or even shooting from the opposite hole. Use the vacuuuuum technique.

The pink side, soft…  it’s really.. soft. It reminds me a lot of Fuwarin. I liked that side the most as “starter”, it’s really good to just wrap the glans with it and move very gently to imitate the girl’s mouth building you up. It is enough to make me cum, but I’m eager to some more stimulation. →

The cyan side, it reminds me once again of Ju-C PUTI 2, the stimulation is similar yet with more padding. It’s not tight, the stimulation is mostly done by the ribs of it.

… both ? Hell yeah ! You enter the cyan side, you slide deeper through the pink side and the average westy penis just sticks out at the tip. Believe me: making the more intense side take care of your shaft and the soft side wrapping your glans cozily is simply… HUUNNNNGGGG.



Again, you would prefer using Fuwa Cyun W in a place where you don’t make a mess when cumming all over, like during shower. That’s why you should be careful when you need to smuggle the onahole in the bathroom already lubed up and that lube spills on the floor. Use a more sticky lube that you can water down when getting started !

Fuwa Cyun W can be turned inside-out but it can create some wrinkles and surface damage on the pink side (as Tomoko showed earlier), so the best way is simply to spread one hole open, letting water flow through, and rubbing the internal walls from each side to remove any remaining lube. Drying is easy too, simply rub a cloth inside from each side.

Now with that durability issue on the pink side… I think the pricing is still honest, and actually pretty good when seeing the packaging. I simply couldn’t discard it, so I made a “fapcard” with it:


That’s all folks, sorry for the delay ! I hope you enjoyed the read 😉