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Install Firefox 4 in Ubuntu

mercredi 23 mars 2011 à 06:42

Firefox 4 was released and it definitely looks better and is faster than the older versions. I tried it out by downloading the version from the site and wanted to replace my old firefox on my Ubuntu. Here is how you can get the latest firefox on your Ubuntu box installed through apt-get.

Goto your terminal and type the following:

  1. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install firefox

That’s it. After the big download, you will have firefox 4 installed on your ubuntu machine.

Here is an explanation of what happens.

  1. You are adding the mozillateam’s stable personal package archive repository to your Software Sources.
  2. You are updating your local packages for the new sources.
  3. And you are installing “firefox”. Doing an apt-get install of an already installed package just upgrades it.

Bonus: Look at the cool graphics to show the live download stats on the site.