Uploads from Thomas Pesquet

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lundi 27 septembre 2021 à 17:02

Thomas Pesquet posted a photo:


Venise, telle un poisson au milieu de la lagune. Auguri Luca ! :balloon: Mon collègue italien est fier de ses racines siciliennes :wink: Alors en hommage, quelques clichés pour tenter de rendre justice à la beauté de son Italie natale :it:

Venice, like a fish in the middle of a lagoon. My buddy and fellow ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano has his roots in Catania, Sicily. He always talks about it fondly (in true Luca style without ever stopping and very poetically :blush:) but he has never taken me there to visit! I have been to many other places in Italy and always enjoy the food and culture. Happy Birthday mon ami!

Credits: ESA/NASA–T. Pesquet
