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mercredi 6 mai 2015 à 14:03
En effet, pour ma part j'en ais pour environ 108€/ans (offre à 10$ par mois donc environ 9€)
Concernant la mention "no log" il ne faut pas en tenir compte, il y'a TOUJOURS des logs pour un VPN (cf

Voila ce que disent :

"If you do not log anything, do you still monitor (live view) sometimes?

Like any professional and reliable supplier of Internet services, we need to undertake some maintenance from time to time, especially to respond to technical issues such as peering problems, traffic flooding (including DoS) and encryption verifications.

By responding to such problems, we need to root into the server hosting the VPN and we are thus being able to see the live traffic going through the server (usually thanks to Wireshark). This traffic is encrypted in various encryption levels depending whether it is an authentication or a traffic (data) packet. That means we are unable to see who’s who and what they are doing. Nonetheless, we are still able to see the incoming and outgoing connections: the people who are connected to our server, and the servers these people are accessing via our VPN.

To us, even though the identification of VPN users is made impossible due to encryption and also to the system’s design that places several users behind the same IP address, we believe that this could be a breach in your privacy.

Unlike the other VPN providers who believe they feel no responsibility to keep you updated when such a breach might occur, will always keep you updated via the Network Alerts, when such an intervention needs to take place (and why).

Despite the fact that some people think this is not the right thing, it is important to understand that absolutely all the VPN providers need to undertake such interventions, and therefore, you should have a right to know what is going on, when and why. This is a terrible loophole in the industry that many miss, and that we are attempting to properly close with our approach of transparency."

Il faut aussi voir ceci :

"Ethical policy

As an Internet service provider, must strive for net neutrality and disregard any form of intervention with its users activity. Nonetheless, we at believe the world is not perfect, and sometimes righteous tools might be used to noxious ends. It is in such spirit that we hereby declare that we operate our network with excellent ethical principles.

When we receive an abuse notice about a critical issue, we will take the decision to forward the notice to legitimate authorities. Issues we consider as critical involve:

• Paedophilia;
• Physical supply of materials directly harmful to human beings (drugs, weapons, etc.);
• Activities planning and executing the death of other human beings (assassination, bombing, etc.);
• Identity theft to the extent of committing crimes on the behalf of someone else.

As we receive an abuse notice about any of the issues listed above, we will publish it to our Transparency Report. We will also issue a Network Alert about the server that has been affected. We will relay both these updates on our Twitter account. It will allow you to disconnect or no longer use the affected server for obvious security reasons.

We believe that a transparent but also active management of our network is what makes the finest VPN provider, and one of the best online privacy tool.

We also wish to emphasize that we will not show such a pro-active behavior with other sorts of abuse. For all other notices, we will simply publish them to our transparency report and provide the appropriate legal response to our upstream provider, without actively alerting authorities.

We thank you for having taken the time to read this ethical policy. We hope it makes perfect sense to you. We strive to provide a secure network. That involves making sure this network is used only by secure people."

On peut bien sur choisir son serveur de sortie. On ne peut pas lui demander de changer tout les X temps, ceci dit on peut faire en sorte que lors de la connexion ça choisisse aléatoirement un point de sortie dans une liste que tu peut modifier.

Pourquoi j'ai choisi ce service ?
• pas de problème de connexion sur 2 périphériques simultanés (3 MAX)
• pas de problème avec le P2P
• mise à disposition d'un client OpenVPN custom (SafeJumper) super méga top ! (accès au pannel utilisateur, choix des points de sorties et génération des fichiers de configurations .ovpn automatique, transparent et tout via l'interface graphique.
• Support très réactif (j'ai proposé une correction sur un de leur tutoriel le 03 mai 2015, la correction vient d'être faite aujourd'hui même sur le tuto en question
• FAQ / knowledgebase vraiment complète et détaillée, on trouve la réponse à beaucoup de questions !
• Quelques outils sympa dans le panel d'utilisateur (générateur de fichier de conf, "leak test" pour savoir si vous laissez fuiter des informations via certaines failles connu (DNS, IPv6, torrent, géolocalisation, WebRTC)

Bref, pour le moment rien à redire !