Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli


Site original : Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli du 23/07/2013

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http2 Background, the protocol, the implementations and the future

dimanche 30 novembre 2014 à 08:51
CAFAI Liens en Vrac 30/11/2014

From the article: “The protocol is only useful for browsers and big services” This is sort of true. One of the primary drivers behind the
http2 development is the fixing of HTTP pipelining. If your use case originally didn't have any need for pipelining then chances are http2 won't do a lot of good for you.

This may be a big issue, and may impact net neutrality. You get better performance if your stuff is inside a pipe from a Big Service. This makes Google look good. It also increases the relative benefit of running everything through a content delivery service.