Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli


Site original : Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli du 23/07/2013

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mercredi 1 avril 2015 à 09:39
les liens du Colibri 01/04/2015
<title>Fronteers — vakvereniging voor front-end developers</title>

 <!-- We've discussed this internally, to use or not to use jQuery, but we've settled for yes for now. -->
 <!-- TODO: investigate if we can make our app more snappy if we don't use jQuery, but something like Zetpo instead -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- Paul Souders says this is the most performant way of including stylesheets -->
 <!-- Yeah, and I've read some of Math Jazz Bynens' first comments on several blog posts. He agrees. Seems legit -->
 <!-- NOTE: I thought his name was Steve Irish? -->
 <script>var ref = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],el;</script>
 <!-- Already 48.6% of our visitors are on mobile nowadays. We need to optimize for them, so let's include jQuery Mobile -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- We might implement overlays, let's drop in jQuery UI just in case -->
 <!-- TODO: remove the autocomplete widget, because it's unusable in most cases (replace with the one Vera Leou just built) -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- We have some legacy scripts hanging around, so we need MooTools, unfortunately -->
 <!-- Oh man, those guys extended primitives! Remember that? Whahahaa, BooTools! -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- We're going fancy with overruling browser navigation (super slick!), so we probably need to manage history -->
 <!-- TODO: check out the API and if we're using it correctly. I've read something about a third parameter (title?) being ignored.. -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- Some of our pages have lots of images, so to improve the performance, we should lazyload those -->
 <!-- TODO: Guys, I've found this great plugin that does just that! Added it for now, but we might need to do some changes in our markup. Something with data-attrs -->
 <!-- WONTFIX: we can't change the markup, because this comes from the CMS. -->
 <!-- TODO: Remove this script again -->
 <!-- NOTE: Not sure, I believe we're using some of it on a custom landing page -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- We have some more legacy scripts hanging around -->
 <!-- TODO: Really, we need to update those $$ calls, jQuery is much better, and this would be one HTTP request less! -->
 <!-- Todo: No, really, I've investigated our code, and this looks like a really simple change! -->
 <!-- NOTE: Also inspected our codebase, but we're not using $$ anywhere. Sure you've been looking in our master branch? -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- I believe someone is using the Yellow Fade Technique somewhere in our app, which requires Scriptaculous -->
 <!-- Credits to 37signals for coming up with this gem! -->
 <!-- NOTE: do we need these credits HERE? -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- Since our content managers can put in Flash movies. Oh ffs, how we hate Flash! -->
 <!-- NOTE: Yeah, can't we just do like Apple did and give them the finger? -->
 <!-- WONTFIX: Nope, every single one of our users is important. We're including it! -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- Because loading fonts with @font-face is a pain in CSS and we don't want the FOUT -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- Modernizr might be useful so our CSS department can hook into what different browsers support -->
 <!-- LOL @ CSS department! You mean those designer hippies from the top floor? -->
 <!-- LOL yeah, and stop using our repository for chatting :D -->
 <!-- But this is all stripped during our build step, right? -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- We're going to write our app with modules. Loading them with RequireJS is awesome. -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- We're going to use Bootstrap for our building blocks. Well, only for the parts we haven't designed yet, because it's so good -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- Anyway, almost there. We're going to build our app using Angular, because it's so easy to build an MVC app with! -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- And React for our View layer. React is awesome! -->
 <!-- NOTE: we might need something different for our Model Layer and our Controller Layer as well -->
 <script src="//"></script>

 <!-- Hold your horses! We've just had a meeting and we might be using Ember for this one -->
 <!-- One of our devs just played with it this weekend and he really likes it. Besides, we don't want to depend on Google or Facebook, do we now? -->
 <!-- Okay, already going to prime the caches, so our app loads quicker IF we decide to convert it to Ember -->
 <script src="//"></script>
 <!-- Show a loader while our app kicks in -->
 <!-- NOTE: So happy we decided to drop in jQuery UI, this is _exactly_ the UI element we need, and look at the amount of code required! -->
 <!-- LOL you called CSS 'code'! TODO: turn this pice of CSShit into JS, where this belongs! -->
 <style>/*.ui-loader { display: block; }*/</style>
 <!-- NOTE: Am I doing this right? -->
 <!-- NOTE: reviewed your patch. Much easier to maintain our modules this way! You see, it isn't that hard to write maintainable code -->
 <script>window.onload = function() { jQuery('.ui-loader').css('display', 'block'); }</script>

 <!-- TODO: reference our app (preferably using async loading, because we ❤ performance!) -->
 <script src="/_js/appic.js"></script>
 <!-- TODO: wrap everything in one single JS file, like Meteor does -->
 <!-- NOTE: but then we'll lose our caching benefits! By the way, why aren't we using Meteor? -->

 <!-- TODO: add “accessibility” when we're done. We're going to get angry Tweets otherwise! -->
 <!-- NOTE: About that: I've heard someone is working on a11y.js or something, which automagically adds WHY-ARIA to everything! -->

 <!-- Right, enough April fooling around :) Turn off JavaScript in your browser to turn on “Server-Side Rendering” for our website! -->
 <!-- By the way, try browsing the Web _without JavaScript_ for a day, it's frightening how much we developers are breaking (yes, breaking!) nowadays! -->
 <!-- Next time you're coming up with smart JS solutions, take a step back. The beauty of the Web lies in the combination of _all_ layers -->

Le fichier de l'app

// TODO: write our app (preferably before a new MVC framework pops up)
// I've copied the boilerplate from the docs so far.
// TODO: Already confused. What does Bootstrap have to do with this? That's only for widgets, no?
// TODO: Commented out for now, needs more investigation, next sprint!

// angular.element(document).ready(function() {
//  angular.bootstrap(document, ['fronteersApp']);
// });

C'est génial comme truc. Petite leçon de webperf pour le 1er Avril.

Comme le dit @htmlvv La blague c'est le reste de l'année.