Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli


Site original : Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli du 23/07/2013

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Package Control v2.0 - the Sublime Text package manager

samedi 10 août 2013 à 20:17
Colibri, le 10/08/2013 à 20:17
La nouvelle version vient de sortir, avec un nouveau site tout beau tout propre. La version web de la découverte de packages.

Au menu :

- Sublime Text 3 support, including support for different versions of packages for either - Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3.
- The new WinINet downloader on Windows that hooks into the OS subsystem for downloading files from the internet. This vastly improves proxy support and eliminates the need for distributing SSL CA certificates.
- Updated downloaders for OS X and Linux that utilize the operating systems’ SSL CA cert bundles.
- Proper package installation in ST3 via .sublime-package files. This allows users to override individual files in a package with their own version. Packages that must be unpacked simply need to have a file named .no-sublime-package in the root of the package.
- A completely revamped schema for channel and repositories making it much easier to properly add packages to the channel, easily override package details and provide more information.
- Support for easy package releases using tags.
- A labels system for categorizing packages.
- A migration to for versioning semantics, along with an option to ignore pre-release package versions.
- Caching support for HTTP requests, allowing for more custom GitHub-based repositories without hitting the hourly rate limit.
- Keep-Alive support for the Urllib downloader, making multiple requests to the same server much faster and less error prone.