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Mapnik - OpenStreetMap Wiki

mercredi 27 novembre 2013 à 16:55
Slobberbone, le 27/11/2013 à 16:55
Mapnik is an open source toolkit for rendering maps. Among other things, it is used to render the five main Slippy Map layers on the OpenStreetMap website. It supports a variety of geospatial data formats and provides flexible styling options for designing many different kinds of maps.
Mapnik is written in C++ and can be scripted using binding languages such as Javascript (Node.js), Python, Ruby, and Java. It uses the AGG rendering library and offers anti-aliasing rendering with subpixel accuracy. It can read ESRI shapefiles, PostGIS, TIFF rasters, .osm files, any GDAL or OGR supported formats, CSV files, and more. Pre-built packages are available for OS X and Windows and can be found at Many Linux distributions provide packages - learn about them at the Mapnik Installation Wiki.
You can learn more about using Mapnik at the The Mapnik Wiki and by joining the #mapnik channel on freenode
Note that Mapnik is a software project and should not be confused with any of the common map stylesheets that might be named after Mapnik. To report bugs or graphical suggestions for the main map on the OSM website, do so at the Github issues page for the "openstreetmap-carto" style (tileservers use CartoCSS since August 2013; needs a login with a account). Report problems, ideas, enhancements about the Mapnik software in general on GitHub. Please check that someone else hasn't reported the same issue first.