Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli


Site original : Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli du 23/07/2013

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I like tight pants and hacker culture and the fear of wysiwyg

mardi 27 mai 2014 à 11:19
CAFAI, le 27/05/2014 à 11:19
In 2004 I encounter the website of the Amsterdam magazine/web platform/art organisation Mediamatic. The site is remarkable in several ways. Firstly, it shows off the potential of designing with native web technologies. Its layout is a re-appraisal of one of the core fonts available to almost all surfers: Georgia, and its Italic. The striking text-heavy layout uses this typeface for body-text, in unconventionally large headings and lead-ins. Secondly, the site opens up a whole new editing experience. In edit mode, the page looks essentially the same as on the public facing site, and as I change the title it remains all grand and Italic. I had been used to content management systems proposing me sad unstyled form-fields in a default browser style, decoupling the input of text completely from the final layout. That one can get away from the default browser style, and edit in the same style as the site itself, is nothing short of a revelation to me—even if desktop software has been showing this is possible for quite some time already.