Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli


Site original : Shaarli - Les discussions de Shaarli du 23/07/2013

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Author Steven Levy: What We Owe to the Hackers | Security Labs | Qualys Community

dimanche 29 septembre 2013 à 01:07
CAFAI, le 29/09/2013 à 01:07
In an engaging keynote to close the 2013 Qualys Security Conference, technology journalist Steven Levy - author of the 1984 classic Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution - shared his vision of what modern computing - and society - owes to hackers.

levy-speaking.jpg“In the three decades that I've been reporting about technology, I've found one subject that I keep coming back to again and again and again. One North star in all of the reporting. And that is hackers. I think that hackers are the key thinkers of our age,” Levy said. Levy acknowledged that the word “hacker” does come with unwelcome baggage today, and some of it deservedly so. But, “the spirit of hackers drive our technology, even today,” he said.