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Running snoopy on NetBSD - Emile "iMil" Heitor 's home

jeudi 6 août 2015 à 12:17
GuiGui's Show - Liens
« Snoopy is a pretty cool piece of software that can log every exec(3) call to syslog. When it comes to security, that feature can be really handy. Yesterday (Dec. 5), I commited security/snoopy to pkgsrc. The package comes with GNU/Linux related scripts in order to modify /etc/ so libsnoopy is loaded before libc and achieve its role.


nce done, /var/log/authlog will be filled with lines like:

Dec  6 09:36:46 coruscant snoopy[19394]: [uid:1000 sid:4525 tty:(none) cwd:/home/imil filename:/sbin/sysctl]: sysctl vm.loadavg
Dec  6 09:36:46 coruscant snoopy[29510]: [uid:1000 sid:4525 tty:(none) cwd:/home/imil filename:/usr/bin/cut]: cut -f2-4 -d »

OYEAH \o/ Snoopy est dans les packages Debian et juste fonctionne. Il faut ouvrir un nouveau terminal pour que le chargement de la lib soit effectif.