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Despite Microsoft’s efforts, people won’t buy the Surface Pro 3- The Inquirer

mercredi 21 mai 2014 à 12:21
SharTech, le 20/05/2014 à 22:16
J'adore le commentaire sur le site:

"Yup, change the name from Surface to Six Feet Under."

Hilarant !

HowTommy, le 21/05/2014 à 12:21
Le premier commentaire est très vrai :

"When users hear the word "Surface", they probably also hear "failure"..."

More and more when people hear the word "Microsoft", they probably also hear "failure"! Let's count the missteps, shall we?

1. Windows Mobile. Was good, and getting better, then unceremoniously killed in favor of Windows Phone.

2. Kin. I don't really need to comment on this one.

3. Windows Phone. How many years does it take to get to 5% global market share? The world will never know....

4. Zune. "Hey, I have an idea! Let's make an "ipod Killer" then cripple it with crappy software!

5. Xbox. The 360 was popular, but never profitable. The new Xbox One is an unmitigated disaster, poor specs, flawed "vision"...but most damning of all, the worst PR for a new product launch ever! (and the missteps go on for this one...note the new "Kinectless" version)

6. Surface. Pro vs. "RT" vs. "unnamed" Surface. Does the average consumer know the difference? Does anyone care?

7. Windows 8. I could write a novel about how MS has been ignoring customer complaints on this one. Throw us a little bit of a bone and gives us back the "Start Button", but just takes us back to the hated "Metro" interface! KHAAAAN!

NOTHING that Microsoft has done in the past 5 years has been successful, and NOTHING they are working on currently (that we know about) gives me ANY confidence that they have learned from their failures! NO! They just keep plugging away at a flawed vision of how things are "supposed to be", whether we want it or not!"

Microsoft ne fait que les mauvais choix, en se prenant pour Apple : ils veulent redéfinir et contrôler un marché déjà défini et contrôlé !
Surface était un échec, Surface pro... était trop chère (un bon laptop était moins cher), et là ils sortent une nouvelle Surface...
Windows Phone était bien, mais les téléphones non, la Xbox One est une erreur...
Et j'ai déjà parlé de Windows 8 hier...

Microsoft n'écoute pas la rogne des gens, et fait ce qui lui chante, c'est dommage car ils ont fait d'excellents produits...
Les gens veulent un OS évolué, configurable, personnalisable, rapide et sans tous les crappy softwares qu'on trouve partout.
Windows 8 : régression, non configurable, non personnalisable, rapide mais encore une fois avec plein de crappy softwares...

Bref, Microsoft devrait arrêter d'essayer d'imposer sa vision aux gens, et essayer de réfléchir à comment contenter les gens...