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Overunity, Free Energy and Perpetual Motion: The Strange Side of YouTube | Hackaday

lundi 25 janvier 2016 à 16:18
Oui, c’est pas faux, concernant les vidéos à propos des moteurs à énergie libre. On trouve deux catégories de gens qui font ces vidéos :
– les scameurs, ceux qui font des vidéos, avec un lien pour vous demander du fric
– les « enthousiastes », ces bidouilleurs qui pensent qui vont y arriver (alors que non), mais qui finissent par apprendre la science et le bricolage durant cet autodidaxie, ce qui n’est pas une perte de temps.

« […] On the other side of the coin lie the enthusiasts. These are the backyard tinkerers, the ones who put down their computers, pick up their tools, and try to build something. Sounds a lot like the average Hackaday reader, doesn’t it?
I have to admit I went into this article with the same disdain for the enthusiasts that I have for the scammers, possibly even more.
In some cases, these are the folks who truly believe they can have a chance to violate the laws of thermodynamics. Inevitably these folks fail to build free energy generators, overunity devices, or whatever their pursuit is, but they all do seem to learn something in the process.

A lot can be said about the builds themselves. Some of these are awesome devices. Even if they don’t work for their intended purpose, they are great demonstrations of magnetism or chemistry. This is where I had a change of heart. If someone wants to spend their time working on an impossible hack, then more power to them. I may not think they have any chance of success, but at the very least, they’ll learn how to build. […]

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