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David Larlet : Thoughts: Unplugged

jeudi 20 septembre 2012 à 01:00

I experienced an unusual situation in our rich countries last month: not having any electricity for a whole week due to my move from Japan and my switch to a non-nuclear electricity provider: Enercoop. During this period, completely scheduled on daylight which is in itself an interesting experiment, I discovered a few things.

The first thing you realize in an unplugged home is the silence. All our technology produces a background noise that you don't notice daily but only when it stops. In this situation, all other noises are amplified: a wooden beam cracking, an insect flying, yourself breathing. Natural noises of the townsman. You rediscover an inner world.

Then you start to listen to your environment: the street, your neighbors, shops, tourists. Each one have their schedule and their habits. You consume electricity by procuration, listening accidentally your neighbors' radio, TV or parties. Social noises of the celibate. You rediscover an outer world.

Finally, you're alone with your noisy ideas and you start to think, to read, to write, to do things, to care about people. After a few days, only when all batteries are empties, you're able to proceed to an introspection, to question yourself about your place in this world. Brain noises of the human. You rediscover yourself.

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