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Security vulnerability in gitlab-shell (CVE-2013-4546)

vendredi 8 novembre 2013 à 20:00

Security vulnerability in gitlab-shell (CVE-2013-4546)

We have learned about a second remote code execution vulnerability in gitlab-shell. This issue was fixed in gitlab-shell 1.7.4, so users who updated gitlab-shell after our recent security announcement are not affected.

Remote code execution vulnerability in the repository import feature of older versions of GitLab

There is a remote code execution vulnerability in the repository import feature of older versions of GitLab. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2013-4546.

Versions affected: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2

Not affected: 4.2 and earlier

Fixed versions: 5.4.1, Community Edition 6.2.3, Enterprise Edition 6.2.0 (all using gitlab-shell 1.7.4)


When creating a new project a GitLab user can specify that a remote repository should be imported into the new project. In affected versions the import URL text field can be used to execute code on the GitLab server. Only authenticated users can create new projects and import repositories.

This vulnerability was fixed in gitlab-shell 1.7.4. All users running GitLab 5.4 or newer should verify that they are using gitlab-shell 1.7.4 or newer (cat /home/git/gitlab-shell/VERSION) and upgrade gitlab-shell immediately if necessary.


Gitlab-shell 1.7.4 is available from and . To upgrade gitlab-shell it suffices to run sudo su git -c 'git fetch && git checkout v1.7.4' in /home/git/gitlab-shell .


If you are unable to upgrade you can disable the repository import functionality in GitLab by deleting the following code block from app/contexts/projects/create_context.rb and restarting GitLab:

# Import project from cloneable resource
if @project.valid? && @project.import_url.present?
  shell =
  if shell.import_repository(@project.path_with_namespace, @project.import_url)
    # We should create satellite for imported repo
    @project.satellite.create unless @project.satellite.exists?
    @project.imported = true
    @project.errors.add(:import_url, 'cannot clone repo')


Thanks to Remy van Elst for reporting the vulnerability to us.

GitLab 6.2.3 and 5.4.1 security releases

lundi 4 novembre 2013 à 20:00

GitLab CE 6.2 and 5.4 security releases

We have just released GitLab CE 6.2.3, CE 5.4.1 and EE 6.2.0. These releases fix two critical security issues that allow remote code execution. Both remote code injection attacks are only possible if you are logged in as a user on the GitLab server. We advise everyone to upgrade immediately or apply the two workarounds described below. When you are on 6.2 you can use the universal update guide for patch versions to upgrade.

Remote code execution vulnerability in the code search feature of GitLab

There is a remote code execution vulnerability in the code search feature of GitLab. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2013-4489.

Versions affected: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2

Not affected: 5.1 and earlier

Fixed Versions: 5.4.1, 6.2.3


The Grit gem which serves as the Git backend for GitLab has an unsafe code path for internal use which allows strings to be evaluated by the Bourne shell. In affected versions, the GitLab code search feature exposes this unsafe code path to user input from the search box. Code search in GitLab is only available for authenticated users.

All users running an affected release should upgrade immediately or disable code search using the workaround below.


The 5.4.1 and 6.2.3 releases are available from and .


If you are unable to upgrade, you can disable code search by deleting the following line from app/contexts/search_context.rb and restarting GitLab:

result[:blobs] = project.repository.search_files(query, params[:repository_ref]) unless project.empty_repo?


Thanks to joernchen of Phenoelit for reporting the vulnerability to us.

Remote code execution vulnerability in the SSH key upload feature of GitLab

There is a remote code execution vulnerability in the SSH key upload feature of GitLab. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2013-4490.

Versions affected: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2

Not affected: 4.2 and earlier

Fixed versions: 5.4.1, 6.2.3


The gitlab-shell SSH access endpoint manages the authorized_keys file for the git user. When a user adds a public key using the GitLab web interface a gitlab-shell command is invoked to add the public key to authorized_keys. In affected versions, the public key text entered by the user is exposed to the Bourne shell in a way that can be exploited to achieve code execution as the git user. Only authenticated users can upload an SSH key.

All users running an affected release should upgrade gitlab-shell immediately.


Gitlab-shell 1.7.4, available from, fixes the vulnerability and has been tested with GitLab 5.4.1 and GitLab 6.2.3.


If you are using GitLab 5.0 or newer and you cannot upgrade to GitLab 5.4.1 or GitLab 6.2.3 you should apply the following edit to gitlab-shell.

--- a/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ class GitlabKeys
   def add_key
     $ "Adding key #{@key_id} => #{@key.inspect}"
     cmd = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell #{@key_id}\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty #{@key}"
-    cmd = "echo \'#{cmd}\' >> #{auth_file}"
-    system(cmd)
+    open(auth_file, 'a') { |file| file.puts(cmd) }
   def rm_key


Thanks to Nigel Kukard of AllWorldIT for reporting the vulnerability to us.

GitLab CE 6.2 released

jeudi 17 octobre 2013 à 16:50

GitLab CE 6.2 released!

Hello everyone!

Today we release a new minor GitLab version, with new features, bug fixes and stability improvements. GitLab is open source software to collaborate on code. The main feature of the 6.2 release is fully browsable public projects.

Public projects

As of version 6.2 a user can visit public project pages (files, issues, wiki, etc.) without having a GitLab account. Make sure you do not store private information in a public project wiki or issue tracker. :)


User profile

In this version, we have made significant changes to the user’s profile.


UI improvements

We have a fresh sign-in page for GitLab 6.2. :)


Admin page


And much more. Just update to GitLab 6.2 and enjoy!

This release’s most valuable person (MVP) is Steven Thonus for contributing the avatar upload feature.








For a full list of changes see the CHANGELOG.

If you are setting up a new GitLab installation follow the Setup Guide.

For update instructions see the Update Guide.

For LDAP group support and more have a look at the feature list of GitLab Enterprise Edition. Access to GitLab Enterprise Edition is included with a subscription. No time to upgrade or maintain Gitlab yourself? also offers upgrade and installation services as part of a subscription or alternatively on a consultancy basis.

Updated on October 22 2013 to add the MVP and a description of GitLab in the opening paragraph.

GitLab Community Edition 6.1 released

dimanche 22 septembre 2013 à 20:00

GitLab Community Edition 6.1 released!

Hello everyone! Today we release a new minor GitLab version, with new features, bug fixes and stability improvements.

With GitLab 6.1 Community Edition you can now automatically close Issues using commit messages, see when an Issue was referenced in a commit or a comment, and add a description to a Merge Request. Moreover, Issue and Merge Request ID’s now start at 1 for each Project.

Automatically close issues using commit messages

When you create a commit with a message starting with ‘Fixes #1’ or ‘Closes #1’ and push it to master GitLab will close the issue you referred to. If you create a Merge Request targeting master with commits in it that will close Issues, GitLab will tell you which Issues will be closed.


See when an Issue was referenced in a commit or a comment

When you refer to an Issue in a commit message or a comment on a Merge Request or another Issue, GitLab shows you that the issue was referenced. gitlab

Issue and Merge Request ID’s start at 1 for each Project

The ID’s for Issues and Merge Requests now start at 1 for each Project. This means that bookmarked issue URL’s will change. Old issue URL’s are redirected to the new one if the issue ID is too high for an internal ID.

Add a description to a Merge Request

When you create a new Merge Request you can now add a description to it. gitlab

This release’s most valuable person (MVP) is Ash Wilson for contributing the automatic issue closing and issue reference linking features.


User Interface




For a full list of changes see the CHANGELOG.

If you are setting up a new GitLab installation follow the Setup Guide.

For update instructions see the Update Guide.

For LDAP group support and more have a look at the feature list of GitLab Enterprise Edition. Access to GitLab Enterprise Edition is included with a subscription. No time to upgrade or maintain Gitlab yourself? also offers upgrade and installation services as part of a subscription or alternatively on a consultancy basis.

GitLab 6.0 released

mardi 20 août 2013 à 21:30

GitLab 6.0 released!

Hi everyone!

Today we present a new major GitLab version. There are a lot of improvements to make GitLab even more awesome.


First and foremost are the improved groups.


From now on a group is not just a directory for projects. It also allows you to add users. After user is added to group – it automatically get access to all existing and new projects inside group. You can also have have multiple owners for a group who can manage members/projects. With this GitLab becomes more group oriented. That is why we no longer support global namespaces. Project can be part of group or user only.

Merge requests are now possible between a fork and the original project.

gitlab gitlab

Another nice improvement comes from contributor Izaak Alpert. It allows you to use different workflow depending on your needs.

Still we have more things to present.

Now you can create or remove both git branches and tags with the GitLab UI.

gitlab gitlab

It gives you ability to work with the web ui only. For example to create branch, fix something with the web editor and submit a Merge Request.

Also we polished our UI and made a lot of bug fixes.


Under the hood we refactored a lot of stuff and improved the performance. And one last piece of good news. The upgrade to 6.0 is not so complicated as it used to be for major versions. The only big change is that all projects must be part of a group or user. A bit of preparations, few commands – and you are running GitLab 6.

GitLab 6.0 will be the first release that will also be available in an Enterprise Edition, for more information please see the Blog


For full list see CHANGELOG

For new setup follow Setup Guide

For update instructions see Update Guide

No time to upgrade or maintain Gitlab yourself? offers upgrade consulting services and support subscriptions.